Conflict of Interest Check Service & Software Singapore

Conflicts Of Interest

Comprehensive conflict-of-interest checks made possible in Singapore

Many take a sampling approach to detecting conflicts of interest (COI), thinking comprehensive checks impractical. Tap on our COI expertise, and you’ll see that it’s not just possible, but faster and more cost-effective.

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3 most common conflict-of-interest challenges

Your data has too many gaps

Your vendor list is missing registration names and numbers, and your employee declaration forms are difficult to compile.

It costs too much time & labour

Manually cross validating employee declaration forms with company data is labour-intensive and error-prone.

It’s not that straightforward

Some relationships aren’t direct and take time to uncover – and that’s assuming you have the right data and analytics tools to attain the insights you require.

Leverage our conflict check software

As experts in conflicts of interest checks in Asia, Handshakes guides our clients towards effective and efficient risk detection by deep diving into connections and highlighting potential issues.

Scrub your employee & vendor lists

First, we clean your lists by pulling missing information from official corporate registry sources and exchange filings. Our data covers Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and China.

Run background checks

We then build a clearer picture of every one of your employees and vendors with background checks.

Cross-validate your data

If you are keen to identify false or incomplete employee declarations, our team is able to cross-validate the data you have with our official sources.

Surface potential conflicts of interest

Our proprietary analytics tools allow us to uncover connections, several levels deep, for your planning & action.

Track new potential conflicts

Get notified real-time of any new potential conflicts with our monitoring alerts.


Conflict of interest report

From SGD3,000 for up to 300 entities

We surface direct and indirect connections between entities of your choice, in this custom report. Details of these connections are included, so you are alerted to potential conflicts of interest.

Great for once-a-year bulk checks.

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Self-service app subscription

From SGD1,000

Our Handshakes App gives you the flexibility of running connection checks, anytime.

Run quick connection checks of up to 50 entities at a time, and easily download connection maps for detailed insights. Perfect for small batch checks.

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Detect potential conflict of interest with Handshakes

Understanding conflicts of interest

A conflict of interest (COI) occurs when an individual or organisation has competing interests that may interfere with their ability to fulfil their professional or ethical obligations. Such conflicts can arise in various contexts, such as business and politics, among others. The consequences of conflicts of interest can be significant, including legal and reputational issues.
As one of the leading background screening companies in Singapore, Handshakes leverages both our access to official company registry data and proprietary mapping technology to run checks to highlight any potential issues to you. With deep investigations to uncover hidden direct and indirect connections, our software and solutions will be able to identify various forms of COI including, actual, potential, and perceived conflicts of interest, as well as conflict of duty.

Handshakes conflict of interest check software

Enhance risk management, empower safe and informed business decisions, streamline your conflict of interest checks, and achieve a competitive advantage with Handshakes’ conflict check software and solutions. From our Handshakes app that provides quicker insights on your clients, vendors, employees, and partners to the done-for-you service, Handshakes Xpert, where our expert team will take over your COI checks, attain a 360-degree view of all types of conflicts.

  • Effective search

    Identifying conflicts of interest can be a complex and resource-intensive process for organisations, potentially consuming more time and resources. As an authorised ACRA data reseller with advanced graph analytics tools, our conflict-of-interest check software enables you to perform background checks efficiently and more accurately. Uncover and visualise deeper connections between entities and persons of interest more quickly.

  • Reliable data

    Our corporate data, including information on official private company registries and capital markets, comes directly from trusted partners – ensuring the reliability of our data.

  • User-friendly interface

    With multiple official datasets available– your employees’ key connections and vendors’ business information – we will interactively map out relationship networks between individuals or companies to uncover potential conflicts of interest instantly. Insights will be delivered in a format that best suits your needs with easy-to-read profiles and reports – the choice is yours to make.

Try our free COI check


What is a conflict-of-interest check?

Frequently asked questions about conflict of interest in Singapore

What are some examples of conflict of interest?

Conflicts of interest can arise from connections between employees and vendors. For example, an employee may have a personal relationship with a vendor that could compromise their objectivity in awarding contracts or making purchasing decisions. Similarly, an employee may have financial interests in a vendor, such as owning stock or receiving kickbacks, that could influence their actions. Detecting and managing such conflicts of interest is essential to maintaining the trust and avoiding legal and reputational risks in Singapore and beyond

What are the 4 types of conflict of interest?

The four types of conflict of interest are financial, personal, institutional, and professional. Financial conflicts arise when an individual or organisation’s financial interests interfere with their professional judgement. Personal conflicts stem from personal relationships or interests that could compromise objectivity, while institutional conflicts arise from an organisation’s interests. Professional conflicts can arise when an individual in Singapore has multiple professional obligations that may conflict with each other.

When does conflict of interest occur for an employee?

Conflict of interest occurs for an employee when their personal interests or relationships interfere with their professional duties. This can include breaching their employment contract, starting or engaging in a competing business, or having financial or personal connections with vendors, clients, or competitors in Singapore that may impact their objectivity.