Effective Lead Generation Strategies - Handshakes

Effective Lead Generation Strategies

Every B2B organisation relies on new leads to grow their business and in the current competitive climate, there are many ways to achieve this objective. However, depending on the company’s budget, the deployment of such strategies may at times be restricted to only a handful of key initiatives. Everyone wants to achieve more with less. So what are the effective lead generation strategies to consider?

1) Search Engine Marketing

Search engines are a go-to source of information today and users globally use popular platforms like Google, Bing or Baidu to obtain data, news and research materials for personal and work matters. According to Internet Live Stats, there are at least 3.5 billion Google searches per day. What this means is that your target customer is likely a user on such platforms performing searches online. If your brand is not visible on the world’s leading search engines, the lower brand awareness may translate to being viewed as a less credible business

So how is this strategy relevant to lead generation? The idea behind search engine marketing is to have search engines display your brand as priority content whenever specific keywords are used by your potential customers.

For instance, if your brand is selling health supplements, you would want your content to be seen by users who searched for ‘health tips’. When users find your content relevant to their search, there is a higher propensity for them to visit your site to find out more and make a purchase. Similarly for B2B businesses, being seen on the search engines in the face of your target customers will increase the possibility of them visiting your website and making enquiries. This form of lead generation is one of the more effective methods commonly practised in today’s digital economy.


2) Tradeshows and Events

For all organisations, having a strong brand presence within your industry is one of the key drivers to generating quality leads for your business. Tradeshows are a marketplace where B2B buyers and sellers congregate to exchange information. Participating in such events allow brands to not only amplify their messaging to a mass audience but, at the same time, interact directly with potential customers within the same space.

This is a good opportunity for brands to extend a product trial or demonstration, allowing potential customers first-hand experience of your products and services. Brands may run time-sensitive offers to entice trade visitors to sign up or register for their services and take the chance to gather feedback from users for future product development.


3) Corporate Registry Data

Think about it, if you could get a list of relevant leads derived from official data. Would you go for it?

Lesser known to traditional lead generation, the most efficient way to reach your target audience is to obtain lead information directly from official data sources. How is this different from purchasing from third party databases? More often than not, market-available databases feature only basic contact details without insights into the company’s background or business performance and as the name suggests, these may also not include new or updated information. Cold calling from such bulk databases is akin to finding a needle in a haystack, a painstaking task that yields little returns.

Having a deeper understanding of your target leads such as its financial performance, size of organisation, its connected entities, etc, allows you to narrow your funnel down to the most relevant companies, which results in a higher success rate towards qualifying leads.



Handshakes DATAMART is a self-service corporate data portal that allows professionals to extract key business data from over 4.6 million business entities across Singapore and Malaysia. The portal features an easy-to-navigate menu of data selection that populates a detailed list of records directly from official sources.

This self-service solution serves to deliver critical information in granular form to improve data accuracy and aid decision making.

Sign up now or visit www.handshakes.com.sg/datamart for more information.

Updated Aug 2023